A Celebration of the 25th Anniversary* of the CK Community Players!
Held on Friday 21 September 2018 at 7.30 pm in Parish Centre, New Street, Charlton Kings
A Bring and Share supper with entertainment – songs from shows for everyone and individual performances
Click here for photos of the event >>
*Our earliest roots were in the 1980s when a group of people active in the local schools and churches came together to perform locally to raise money for local projects. This activity developed into an official community unincorporated group which came into being in 1993. Its work has grown from strength to strength providing variety in its choice of productions, street theatre, and opportunities for everyone to participate whether it is ‘walking the boards’, joining the technical crew, designing costume, ‘front of house’, promotional activities – indeed all aspects of what is necessary for any successful production.
From its earliest roots to today more than 600 individuals have been involved in its activities at different times and it retains a dedicated and active group of members. Generations of local families have been involved and talent has been developed in the performing arts. Below are a few glimpses into the past, but a variety of publications are available for download from the web site>>