Charlton Kings Community Players have produced a video for Christmas:
Anna and Simeon – A Nativity Encounter
“There was a baby. A mother too of course and a father. Also an innkeeper who took pity on them and gave them shelter in a stable. And high in the night sky, over the hills outside the City of David, an angelic host summoned shepherds to come and watch, wonder, and worship. There was also an unusual star, moving brightly and purposefully through the sky to rest over Bethlehem. Three astrologers had been studying the stars and followed that one, bearing gifts to the place where the baby lay. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem a devout woman lived out her long life with fasting and prayer in the Temple. Also there, was an equally devout man whose prayers were about to be answered. The family arrived in the city, for the presentation of the first-born son to God in the Temple. Anna and Simeon were to be among the first to recognise the light of the world.” Lynne Glover
“There was a baby. A mother too of course and a father. Also an innkeeper who took pity on them and gave them shelter in a stable. And high in the night sky, over the hills outside the City of David, an angelic host summoned shepherds to come and watch, wonder, and worship. There was also an unusual star, moving brightly and purposefully through the sky to rest over Bethlehem. Three astrologers had been studying the stars and followed that one, bearing gifts to the place where the baby lay. Meanwhile, in Jerusalem a devout woman lived out her long life with fasting and prayer in the Temple. Also there, was an equally devout man whose prayers were about to be answered. The family arrived in the city, for the presentation of the first-born son to God in the Temple. Anna and Simeon were to be among the first to recognise the light of the world.” Lynne Glover