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AGM April 2017

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 26 April 2017

 Apologies: Viv Garland, Jane Kane, Peter Ryan

The meeting was quorate with 20 members present.

The meeting commenced by holding a minute’s silence in memory of Tim Masling.

  1. Minutes of the Previous AGM: these were accepted as a record of the AGM, Proposed by Deb Masling and Seconded by Geoff Ramshaw, unanimously accepted.
  2. Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes: it was noted that Street Life is now defunct.
  3. Chair’s Report: This was given by Derek Palmer – see attached sheet.  The report covered the period April 2016-March2017.

Thanks were given to Deb Masling and Andy Culley for their stoic work on the Committee as Chair and Secretary respectively.

Thanks also given to Charlton Kings Film Society for their support.

Thanks to the Baptist Church for their continued support.

  1. Treasurer’s Report: This covered the period January 2016 – December 2016. See notes attached.

A voucher was given to Donna Sutherland to thank her for her work in auditing the accounts.

The Players now have a substantial amount of equipment and set which is available for future use.  Lighting is loaned out by Peter Ryan for events such as CK Xmas Lights.

The accounts were proposed by Andy Culley and seconded by Tony Jeans, unanimously accepted.

A summary of current finances was given, see attached. Thanks were given to the cast of SSD for ticket sales and also The Forge newsagents for their display and ticket sales.  It was noted that publicity was very good and generated a lot of interest. Discussion re costumes took place and Sandra Jeans stated that she had purchased many items and would retain them for future and personal use.

  1. Website Report: Geoff Ramshaw gave a tour of the website and discussion followed regarding how it could be improved. Currently Geoff and Andy Laver are working on a revamp which will be online shortly. GR pointed out that the Header Images are to be replaced. The website could be developed to be used to sell tickets. Committee will review the Contact Forms. We have approx. 70 members on the Mailing List. Agreed that CK events should be promoted. The Committee will discuss how best to promote future events. SJ suggested a Street Theatre tab with links to previous productions which could be grouped on 3 separate links: Players at Christmas, Players at Easter/Street Theatre and Main Productions which could be subdivided into One Act Plays and Main Shows. This was discussed and agreed.
  2. Election of Officers:

Chair: Jane Jones unanimously elected, proposed AC and seconded Sylvia Fry

DP handed over chairing the meeting to JJ

Treasurer: Derek Palmer unanimously elected, proposed by June Pearce, seconded by TJ

Secretary: Fiona Connor unanimously elected, proposed by DP, seconded by TJ

5 additional members were voted onto the Committee: DM, GR, Joyce Parsons, Jane Kane, Deb Dundas and Peter Ryan.

Anyone wishing to be co-opted or offer help should contact the Committee.

SJ was appointed to be the Official Recorder in light of her work on historical records.

  1. Future Plans: JJ produced a report on this, see attached.
  2. SJ – Charlton Kings in Bloom on War Gardens
  3. Play Reading – 10 May at Baptist Church
  4. CK Library 40th Anniversary, 20 May – table and display booked, waiting on further details from Library, JJ to oversee
  5. Next Production – LUBM 2017, more sketches and usual songs. Taking place on Wednesday, 6 December at Sacred Hearts.
  6. Major Production – pencilled in for 12-16 February 2018. Possibly second play in trilogy of MTD or another play, two x one act plays. JJ and DM to produce/direct.
  7. Easter 2018 – Veronica’s Veil, last done in 2002. Commentary and acting, not much dialogue, in costume.
  8. TJ/SJ/Martyn Fry have developed strong links with the CK Film Society which are proving to be mutually supportive and beneficial. Would also build links with the Library and The Forge.
  9. Discussion about involving young people.
  10. Max Quicke drama workshop would be arranged possibly in September on a Play Reading evening, Linda ?? to email JJ.
  11. New members – make sure we get their contact details to ensure they are added to the Mailing List to receive information about events.
  12. Committee would discuss how best to promote the Players – welcome pack, flyers/cards in Library, business cards.
  13. AOB
  14. SJ – Proposal of a change to the constitution, see attached. This was discussed, proposed by SJ, seconded by DM. This would be voted on at the next AGM.
  15. SJ – Copyright and Performing Rights, see attached. Proposal put forward which would be discussed at Committee level first. PPL Licence had been organised by TJ.
  16. SJ – writing of sketches. A request would be put on the website for any budding playwrights to submit work.
  17. SJ – Communication and Mailing List. Members reminded to use BCC for email addresses to protect users addresses being divulged.
  18. TJ – Players Logo – amend to remove 1 cross. Andy Laver has a master copy. Committee would discuss this.
  19. Thanks were given to Peter Ryan for his expertise and commitment.

Date of next meeting: Wednesday, 25 April 2018